
The Duck and Play Room

Duck and Dive Swim School
8-12 Lambs Road, Artarmon 2064

(Please note that this is NOT a swimming party!)

House rules:

    • Children to be supervised at all times

    • Adults to wear supplied over shoes NO ADULT BARE FEET

    • No food or drink in the play room

    • No confetti/similar

    • No nappies to be left in the centre, please take home with you

    • No smoking/vaping

    • No alcohol

    • No nuts

    • Any unboxing/unwrapping of gifts to be taken home with you

Parking, access and exit:
The indoor car park is for swim school clients, please make use of the plentiful free street parking

Don’t be  a party pooper! Your host has signed off on these housekeeping rules on your behalf.
Thanks in advance for your co-operation!